Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Empty Bobbins and Project Boxes

This has been a year of finishing up projects that I've deemed worthy of my time. Boxes have been emptied, and tops have been created. I've only got a couple of my own quilts quilted, but I've finished 100+ quilts for other piecers /quilters this year.

A few years ago I participated in a 1/2 sq triangle swap and they have languished in a box, just waiting for the right project.
I found it and have got these 25 fused, machine appliqued blocks into a quilt with a fabulous scrappy sashing.  Using the black and white setting to check for balance.
I love how these blocks make the applique shine.  At first I thought it might overwhelm them, but once it was all together, I couldn't be happier.  Once it's quilted, I'll do a full post on this quilt and pattern.

Here is my view from my sewing table.  You can barely see the water in this photo, but it's really closer than it looks in this photo.  3 or 4 years ago, I made a cutting error on a cream fabric.  Blocks were cut on an AccuCutter to 2" and I needed 2 1/2" blocks.  Not to worry, they would be used up at a later date.
 That date came, and I decided to make an "ocean" quilt.  The crazy idea morphed into a need for 81 blocks that contain 49 2" squares.  And I didn't want repetition so I have pieced each square, one by one!
 I had to keep track of the strips so each pile is pinned with seven strips containing seven squares.  I only need 81 of these strip packs.

Keeping a post it note attached to the inside of the box kept me from recounting over and over.  Now these need to be stitched into blocks, and set with sashing that has yet to be picked out.

We bugged out for my guy's "bucket list"  vacation.  Manhattan is such an amazing city and no matter how long I spend there, it's never long enough.  My guy will never return, but he checked off Peter Lugers Steak House and Katz Deli  from his foodie list.

I, on the other hand, wanted to hit the ground running.  Taking the time to say hello to NYC's finest is always a good idea.

I passed him on my way to the garment district.  First stop on my list was VFW Quilts.

A tiny shop that packs a punch.  Victoria carries RJR solids and they are my favorite, so I stocked up on them.  Random colors were chosen just to pump up my solids bin. 

We jumped on a cruise ship for 7 days after we exhausted ourselves in Manhattan.  Stops included Boston and Halifax.  We had a lovely day in Boston, and spent our time walking the Freedom Trail.  Once home, I was motivated to pull out these old blocks I started using Victoria's V template.
Yikes, what was I drinking when I put this one together.  Remember, there is no shame in using a seam ripper.

The above block now looks like this block.  Oh how I am loving these orange and yellow combos.

A few more choices, a few more blocks and back into the bin they go!  This is a worthy finish, just not right now.
I hope you have some projects that are worthy of finishes.  These have kept me in my studio and busy at retreat days this year.  There are a few other finishes now hanging in my closet, in line to get quilted.  Fall is here, my Dad is moving and I've been helping him a bit, we are dealing with health issues with my guy and that trumps everything, so my priority studio time is customer quilts. 

Last week I took two days and attended a one day workshop with Maria Shell and then took in the QFA Museum's annual show in Everett WA.  Click here to see all the winners.  Have you taken any workshops this fall?  Do you have any planned?  I know Houston is coming up and many of you will be making the trek.  If you are going, travel safe and have fun!

Keep stitching,