Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lists and Goals for 2011

Wow, I can't believe we are rolling into 2011 this weekend. Where did the time go? It's also the time of year that I make a few lists. I try to break down my projects into catagories because they are in such different stages.  There are several terms out there for quilters, my favorite being WIPS. Works in Progress.  I honestly don't have any projects that I've mentally abandoned, although there are some that did not get touched this year.  These projects still remain on my list.  There was a purging day or two in my studio and that got rid of UFO's.  Life is too short and too busy to stress over something that I have no interest in finishing. Quilts are like books, there are no rules that say you have to finish a bad  uninteresting project.
  • Hand Quilting - 5
  • Hand Applique - 2
  • Kits - 4 *I've not started any of these
  • Hand piecing - 2
  • Tops in the Piecing process - 14
  • Tops to be Machine Quilted - 9
I've got each section with specific projects.  I'm in the process of cutting for a top. I included that, and I have my 25 block BOM Beyond the Cherry Tree included in this list.  It will not be done in 2011, but I'll stay focused on this.  Some of these can be finished  moved to a different list simply by putting the blocks together,  one project is all hand quilted, I just  need to make the pieces into pillows!  Given that I have some things that I haven't sewn a stitch on, and some that are oh so close to being a finished top, I know that I'll make some headway with things this year.
So what's on your list?  Do you regroup at this time of year? Notice I made no resolutions or specific commitments to finish.  I have enough projects on the go that I can pick and choose and bounce around and still make progress.
Thanks for all the comments, it lets me know that you are stopping in and visiting my little corner of blogland and I'm very appreciative.

Happy New Year to all!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

You Just Need to Ask

I hope everyone has been staying warm and safe this holiday season. Here in the Pacific NW, we had a typical wet and green Christmas. I love the snow, though. Maybe because I have a Subaru with studded tires, or maybe because it just looks magical.
As I was visiting a few blogs, I popped over to Victoria's to catch up on things. I knew she lived in NYC, experiencing the terrible storms. I asked her to send some snow my way. This is what I woke up to today.

 Pure beauty.  There was just enough snow to dust the trees and make everything all clean and bright, but not so much that we couldn't get around.  And typical for our area, it was all melted away by noon and the sun came out for a minute.
 The only down side to the snow was that my landscapers have been busy in my back yard.  Since it's dark when I get home from work, I had to wait until the morning to see what they had done. Hmmm, everything was covered with snow, so the only thing I know for sure is that my garden boxes are nice and full of dirt, ready for planting this spring. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see the transformation of my garden.

I don't have much to show with my quilting projects as I'm working away on block 6 of Beyond the Cherry Tree.  Everything is prepped and I'm still quite a few stitches away from having this block finished. I'm also making lists. Projects that need to get finished, projects that need to get quilted, projects that are 1/2 quilted....well, you all know what I'm talking about!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to All

I'm sharing two of my favorite Christmas pieces that I've done.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas season.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dear Postman

I know you are busy this year, but really? Did my package have to arrive looking like it got run over by a reindeer? Seriously, there was precious cargo in that envelope.
This is the second envelope I've recieved like this, and one I mailed out was also recieved at the other end looking like this. Hmmmm
Do I need to leave some cookies and eggnog in my mailbox?
Good thing zip lock bags were used to protect these.

Yes, my swap has been completed.  I sent off 9 sets of 6 and recieved 54 blocks with only one pair. Wow. I couldn't see one fabric duplicated and most of these prints are brand new to me.  This is an amazing swap group!
This package arrived with nary a scuff, thank goodness.  It contained my Christmas present to myself.
In closing, Annie and I want to wish all my blog readers a very Merry Christmas.  Thanks for stopping by and leaving comments, it's appreciated.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Friend's Quilt

I was so excited to see this that I have to share it with everyone.
I know, some of you are groaning, "it's just a panel", but I need to explain. This was made by DebS and I taught her to piece last year. She is so creative with her ideas and this one is no exception. This was also her first time doing fusible applique and her only lesson was over the phone!
A big whoohoo to Debs, this is fabulous. And yes, she machine quilted it herself too!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's a Busy Time

Wow, am I behind on blogging. I've been busy with the Christmas season soon upon us. I love to bake so that has taken a few days and evenings. This is what I took to Sunday dinner at my sisters place.
I had a last minute quilt for Debbie so now it's back at her place for binding. There has been a scrappy Christmas quilt in the works for years, I started it by hand, blah, blah. Knowing I had no more customer quilts, I promised myself I would quilt this one. Being scrappy, and not made of the best materials, I did not want to invest a lot of time into the quilting and since it's Christmas, ribbons seemed like a great idea.
This top is 48 x 60, the perfect size to use up a scrap of wool batting that was in my bin. I used a variegated red/green/cream thread and I'm thrilled with the results. Having the binding all ready to go made it easy to stay motivated on this. I came home from work last night, fed the 4 legged kids and headed down to my studio. I didn't come up until the binding was on! Now to relax with the binding and then wash and enjoy.

Here is my "tree" this year. It's huge.  The local hockey team was selling them as their fund raiser, so this was delivered last weekend. It's gorgeous.

I'm staying on track with my applique blocks from Beyond the Cherry Tree.
 Block 5 is alive and I'm going to start prepping #6.

Christmas is also a reminder for all my check ups. Everything is done and A ok. So if you haven't had your mammogram, put it on your list;  it could be the best gift you give yourself!

Friday, December 10, 2010

'Tis the Season

There's been a little bit of sewing going on around here. The fun part of this gift was that I did the stitching last year and all the half squares were bonus blocks from a scrappy red and cream project. A little stitch in the ditch on the machine, a few lines of hand quilting and, voila, a lovely gift.
Along with stitching, I love to bake and this time of year keeps me busy. I remember throwing out my pastry cutter last year so it was on my shopping list on the weekend. Hmmm, how many stores do you think I had to go to in order to purchase this? The Kitchen store in the mall was sold out, after the staff sent me to two different sections to look for it. Then I wandered through the mall to Target. Nope, sold out there. You have to love the staff at this time of year. When I told her I already looked where she pointed me, she then pretty much said, "what do you expect at this time of year, this is when people buy this item". I replied, well, you would think the buyers would BUY that item for this time of year. Then I made my way back through the mall to my car, and stopped at my third and final option. Talk about taking a lot of time and effort to buy a simple kitchen item.
I was very happy when I could finally purchase this, and I went home and broke it in on a batch of shortbread cookies. Yum!
I've got a gal pal arriving tonight, so stay tuned for some photos of wonderful Christmas baking in the next few days.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sharing the Love.....a Day Late

I'm so excited for Tonya from Lazy Gal Quilting. Her new, and first book released yesterday, Dec 7th.
Although it has been released, it's not in stores until later in December.  But you can buy it from Amazon on their pre order directly from Tonya's website, like I just did.
I've used her letter technique for the first time on my Liberated Amish Quilt challenge.  I have to admit, I put off making any letters for a few months, I was intimidated by all the wonderful words I was seeing all over blogland.  Then the deadline was actually on the current calendar page and I had to jump in. After making only a few letters, I have to admit, I was addicted. They are so fun and it's easy.  You can't go wrong.  It it's too long, cut it off.  If it's too short, just add another strip!
Here is my second effort at the free form letters. This is what makes this quilt so amazing.

Join in the fun. Once you get started, you will want to add words to all your projects!
I've been following Tonya's blog for a few years now, and I'm so excited for her. She motivated me to make letters, I hope you make some letters too.