Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Perfect Timing

This is my second go round with this bag of fabric.  It's now Great Grandpa's shirts that are going to be used to create a baby quilt.

Yellow was the color of choice for the background color, and I got to use a stack of different shades of yellow.  This commissioned piece had a due date of April 1, but I knew the baby was due mid March.

So I got out my trusty tools, and my Sisters quilt show coffee mug and got busy.

When making this type of quilt, I focus on the blocks and color choices first.  I figure I will figure out how it all will work after I get the majority of the blocks pieced.
I put the finished blocks up on the wall, assess the open spaces

and then start the math.

Once I get this far, I just have to make the last few blocks in the correct sizes/colors to fill in the holes.

Then the next part of the math happens.  The part where I have to figure out how to sew the blocks together to make a rectangle.  Half seams are my best friend and I love the final look when I use the half seams.  No straight seams, no columns or rows.  Makes for a very interesting finished top.

The dark lines are my road map to piecing the top.  I work in sections, and then work the sections together.

Can you spot the filler strips?  Faster than making a third small star block, plus it adds interest.

The small star block is inset by using half seams.

No direct line top to bottom or across the quilt top.

Here is the finished piece.  All the stars are made with Great Grandpa's Hawaiian shirts.

The quilt got finished last week, way ahead of my promised date of April 1.

When I contacted my client, she was so excited to hear that I was finished.  Mom was at the hospital, and had the baby that day!
I'd say that was perfect timing!
Now I have to get busy on the next project.

Keep stitching,


Sherrill said...

Two VERY bad words in this posting--MATH and INSET! I don't do either but obviously you do it very well and this is so darned cute. I know they will cherish it.

Pat said...

First off - love the yellows you chose - makes for such a sunny,happy quilt to feature all those treasured shirts...but oh my, you totally lost me with the math! I would still be back with graph paper and pencil and here you are - a terrific finish and perfect timing for the new baby!

Karen said...

The yellow works so well with the shirt parts. What a great momento for the baby and family.

Mimi said...

That turned out great! Almost too good to spit up on. :D

Louise said...

Turned out really well Sharon..good job!

Diane said...

This is a wonderful explanation of the process! You almost make it look easy, and the result is wonderful. The timing couldn't be better, it's as if the baby knew.

cocoya said...

What an awesome class. It would be fun to be able to attend.

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