Wow, words can hardly describe the feeling in downtown Vancouver BC, home of the Winter Olympics. I drove up Sat afternoon, then took the transit into the city. Just walking around and people watching was amazing. Here are a few pictures.
Scenes along Granville Street.
Funky chickens??
Paper lantern trees, this was very cool.
More Granville street lantern trees
Our group of friends starting out the adventures.
Yours truly in front of the flame.
This is the picture you get when you are not clear with instructions. " Please take my picture with the torch in the background" apparently translated to "please make it look like my hat is on fire!"
And finally, the Olympic Torch. Simply a sight to see.
And on the quilting front, I managed to get my
Liberated Amish challenge sewn together. Between quilting for customers, going to Vancouver, and mowing my lawn today, I got the center put together. I know, make a trip to the Winter Olympics AND mow my lawn the next day. Seems strange, doesn't it! My next challenge will be the Liberated Letters! Here's the
expert on these letters.
I hit a garage sale looking for gardening tools. I came home with this.
This is the small pile of fabric from the yard sale. The other pile has about 3 times as much. All this for $5. And it's all quilt store quality, I see a green quilt in my future.
I, like thousands of others, follow along
Pioneer Womans blog, and last week I saw a cake I just had to make. But I didn't have the right pan. I'm too cheap to go buy a pan for one thing.......but at $.25, yes, a quarter, I bought the pan at above mentioned garage sale. So this is cooling on my counter as I type.
It's time to walk my dog....hope you got to piece something this weekend!