Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fresh and Feminine

Disclosure: This is not my quilt. I would never pick such feminine, romantic, fresh fabrics. Don't get me wrong, I love this quilt. That's the joy I get doing longarm quilting for other people. I get to work on quilts that I'd never make in a million years, not because I don't like them, just because they are not my style.
My customer and this quilt are a perfect match. By looking at this quilt you get an idea of the person she is. I think that's the beauty of quilting, a little or a lot of our personality shines through in our projects.
Just a couple more pics.
I kept the quilting fresh and floral. She's going to hang this quilt on a wall. You can't help but feel good when you see this quilt, it just makes me smile!
Here is my progress with my baskets. I was selling tickets yesterday so I got 2 or 3 more stitched down.
I have a long list of things to do, it's raining today, but I'm going to turn on the US Open mens finals, Go Rafa! He's so cute! Plus I can get another basket or two stitched!


Norma said...

Sharon I love these baskets. It looks like a must do for me. They are really cute.

Meredith said...

I enjoy soft (That is what I call them) quilts but I have never made one myself. You must get to see and be inspired by all kinds of work. Your baskets are coming along. TV is a good time to work on them.

Ivory Spring said...

Beautiful quilt! Love the sweet softness.

Window On The Prairie said...

Love the pink quilt. So pretty. And your baskets are very pretty too.

Ann Champion said...

I think "soft colored" quilts have a charm all their own? I enjoy seeing them, but they're not my style. You quilted it beautifully.
Your little baskets are coming along nicely. They're a fun pick up project. :)