Saturday, February 9, 2013

One Bite at a Time

I promised I wouldn't bore you with lines of hand quilting every few days, but would show my progress once a month. Trying to hand quilt everyday hasn't been difficult, hey, it was January. I am outlining all the applique, so a lot of that had to get done before I could start working in the grid lines.  Now I'm at a point where I can bounce back and forth.  Outlining is a PITA job, as the quilt is a tank to constantly shift. (I quilt in my lap).

I managed to stitch 28 out of 31 days. This quilt is just like the saying, "How do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time" This quilt will get stitched one stitch at a time, so even if I only have 15 minutes, that's 15 minutes closer to being finished.

Looking at what I accomplished in January has made me rethink my July 2014 deadline. I'm now thinking Dec 2014.

There are 25 blocks plus borders and after one month I can comfortably say 2 blocks are completely finished. I have ignored my machine quilting work in January, there is no gardening, I've been trying to rehab a broken bone in my foot (unsuccessfully) so no walking or yoga.

So you see where I'm going with this? In January I had an extraordinary amount of time to sit on my butt and rock the needle.
I hope I can keep the momentum, but some days there just are not enough quilting hours, I'm sure most of you can relate.


Karen said...

I am betting you have the quilting done before your goal. I think the closer it gets to being done, you will quilt more as the excitement builds.

Dawn said...

This is beautiful! I made all of the blocks - but not the border yet. Thanks for sharing!!
Hope your foot is healed soon!

Louise said...

I believe you will find a way to accomplish your goal Sharon and probably in a shorter time span as Karen said. Somehow it will all fit in nicely..Sorry to hear the foot is still a nuisance!

Janet O. said...

It is looking so good, Sharon. But I understand your questioning the original deadline. Come summer there is so much to do outdoors and who can sit under a heavy quilt and stitch?
It usually takes me a couple of years to get a large quilt hand quilted. : )

Nancy said...

Oh Sharon this is just coming along beautifully. I wouldn’t worry too much about meeting a goal but I bet you do.

Mimi said...

Your quilting is just beautiful. It is really going to MAKE this quilt. Thank you for sharing.

Pat said...

You have made great progress -and the quilting looks so nice. Oh yes outlining all the applique is time consuming but it does make a big difference.

Are you using only one color of quilting thread?

Nifty Quilts said...

Yea! Two blocks done. Every stitch is worth it, no matter how long it takes.

Barb said...

Congrats on getting so much done in January. It looks so great! Winter is the best time to hand quilt isn't it?

Lori said...

It's looking great Sharon! As soon as I get the binding sewn on a quilt I am taking out my Cherry tree quilt again!
Your cross hatching is 3/4" apart? it looks really nice.

Aunt 'Reen said...

You are making fabulous progess on quilting this! Wishing you continued success with this monumental stitching!