Thursday, March 27, 2025

Long Term Projects Number 4

 Maybe blogging should be included in my long term projects.  Good grief, it's been almost 2 years since I've been in here and posted.  Instagram and Facebook make things so much quicker and easier, but when there is a good back story, blogging is the place for me to go.


This is a project from McCalls in 2005.  The binding was finished in 2006.  It was my first project that I was going to cross hatch on my longarm.  I always have practiced new things on my own tops before a customer top and wow, did I learn alot.  

First up.  NEVER use FrayCheck when machine quilting.  "Someone" told me to stitch up to the applique, go back and forth a few stitches, then put a drop of FrayCheck (aka glue) on that spot to keep the threads from coming undone.  This was so I didn't have to bury threads.  YES, this was in a class that I paid money for.

Needless to say, it sat in a pile, a corner, and bin and on the bottom of a shelf.  I loved the fabrics (Holidays in Paris by In the Beginning) and I loved the pattern so much I just couldn't stand looking at it or putting it out at Christmas.  Finally in about 2019 or '20, I started ripping out the machine quilting and with tweezers, was able to get the little threads that were all glued around the appliques.  I finished the hand quilting on it this week, gave it a bath and now it's with my Christmas things, just waiting to be put out this December. 

Here are two of a potential 5 full, 4 1/2 blocks and 4 1/4 blocks.  This finishes at around 12".  I've been hand piecing them and have used the stamping method to mark the diamonds for the stars.  The marking goes fast, the hand piecing, not so much.  But I do love them and once the pieces are prepped, it's a great 'grab and go' project.  

Hexi fever struck when I got a package of fat 8ths from Two Thimbles.  I knew the little collection needed to be used all together and the colors and prints were so sweet.  1" hexis and fussy cutting gave me some very cute blocks.  However, a few of the prints wouldn't give me 6 of the same motif, so I alternated.  I wasn't going to be that fussy.
Using PinDot in color Lighthouse for the backgrounds, I thought the little flowers really looked pretty.  There was a gorgeous stripe in the collection and I wanted that for the outside borders and I wanted the stripes all going in one direction.  I ordered a bigger piece and appliqued the finished hexis to the fabric and cut out behind.

It's been layered with silk batting, and a striking big pink plaid for a backing and the hand quilting has commenced.  I'm using a very light pink YLI  for the quilting, it's simple straight lines that ended up looking like a hanging diamond instead of cross hatching.  

And then there is this.  One of 4 blocks.  I've got three all pieced, and the 4th one is getting close.  Only one has the setting squares and corner blocks, and the outside diamonds.  It's a big of a twister as this is all the colored diamonds that I used, but it will be a square when I'm finished.  I'll save that for another blog post.

So keep on stitching, don't give up on the long term projects.  My last post was about my Sarah's Revival.  It's in the same state.  I need a full day and a clean table to move onto the next chapter of stitching and that's my goal for the summer.  I want to bring her to Arizona in the fall as I do a lot more hand piecing there than at home.



Janet O. said...

Good to hear from you, Sharon. I've heard a lot of methods to use to not have to bury threads, but the FrayCheck is a new one on me! Your hand quilting is really beautiful, and the quilt looks like it was meant to be hand quilted.
The hand pieced stars are gorgeous! I don't think I could hand piece such a thing and have it turn out looking so straight and precise. Kudos!
That is a lovely little Hexie creation. I really appreciate the way your patience to do the fussy-cutting elevates it.
Are those diamonds in the last block you shared die cut, or rotary cut? And are you hand-piecing that or is it machine pieced? Inquiring minds want to know.
And just looking back over your projects--I'd say you do love a challenge!

Yvonne said...

Beautiful blocks and tops, I love piecing by hand!

Sharon said...

The last block has been stamped. I'll post about it next. I've figured out a tip or two that might help/encourage stitchers to try this for hand or machine piecing.