Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Winding Bobbins

Seriously, that's what I did last night. Wind bobbins, trim bonus 1/2 sq tri's down to 1 3/4", sew strings together. This was after longarm quilting for a few hours, and then I put in about half an hour of hand quilting. All things that make for a boring blogger. Nothing is even photo worthy.
How are your projects progressing?


Mimi said...

Well your progress is better than mine. I just had my daughter pick up her valance that I made and I am trying to get ready for vacation and can't seem to find the time to get something prepped to work on while gone. I would have felt better doing what you did. LOL

Janet said...

I'm going slow and steady on a few things but it's too boring to show as well. What you've been doing is still progress though.

Janet O. said...

I'd love to see your quilting--hand or machine. : )

Linda C said...

Hi Sharon,
l count 315. Sorry!! Too many coffee's!! LOL. Sounds like fun.