Friday, July 15, 2011

Stitching with Friends

Last night my friend L came over and we did some hand work.  Some of that work included hand to mouth to enjoy this delicious Raspberry Crisp, hot from the oven with whipped cream!
OK, I didn't get a before photo!

I have two projects that I'm doing by hand.  One is this, Block 16, from BTCT. No I don't have 15 blocks all done, I think I have 11, but I jumped to this one because I had the purple circles all done ahead of the block.  I do have a couple others prepped, so I'm ready to move to the next one as soon as I finish this one.

I'm also hand quilting this little number.  I know you've all seen it before, I'm just saying, "it's in my pile of current hand work"  I've got 5 of the 9 blocks quilted, so I'm making headway!  I've tried to work on this every night before going to bed, even if it's just for 15 minutes.  Every bit helps.

Tonight I'll be back at the longarm, finishing up a Christmas quilt for M. It's super cute, photos to follow.


Mimi said...

mmmmm, yum on the crisp and kudos on working on your BTCT's coming along nicely and I love your log cabin quilt, too.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

The raspberry crisp looks delicious!!
Your BTCT block is coming along beautifully!
The hand quilting looks perfect - the stitches are so small :)

Lori said...

Being with friends is always fun. Love your projects!!

Anonymous said...

O my, does that look yummy :))

Nicky said...

Raspberries - my favourite! Have just stumbled upon Raspberry Curd which is divine on a crumpet or muffin!

Love your log cabins! And what an effort on your BTCT!

Janet O. said...

Raspberry crisp has me drooling! You are making great progress on your handquilting. You do have to just give it whatever minutes you can, don't you?

julieQ said...

Looks like fun to me...yummy food and wonderful hand work to do...a great day!!

liz said...

You are beating me on Block#16 and I started in February! Looks like I'll have to get back to it. Enjoyed your virtual dessert too.

Janet said...

Even though we've seen the quilt before, keep sharing what you're working on, I can't get enough of that quilt. The raspberry crumble must have been delicious.