Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Unexpected Day

I went to bed last night in my 40's and woke up feeling like I was in my 80's.  Everything ached, from my big toe to my head. Having no idea why I was feeling like this, I went back to sleep, but an extra hour didn't seem to change anything, so I called in sick.  I never do this, I figure with life and unexpected crap that happens, that makes up for sick days but today, I just couldn't do it.  I went back to bed and have generally lazed around.
Now I'm sure you are all thinking, "oh, a sick day = quilting day"  Let me tell ya, I just can't seem to move without something aching, so I've spent most of the day catching up on my tv.  I managed to pin a few rows of my Pink Ribbon, but didn't sew a stitch on it.
I also had Block 13 prepped for my Beyond the Cherry Tree. I'd gotten the stems stitched down last night while I was getting the oil changed on my car, and today, well, I got one piece stitched.
I know I'm going to have to get out of my pj's, I can't walk the dog dressed like that! But tomorrow I'm sure I'll be feeling better, maybe it's just "one of those days".


Lori said...

I hope it is nothing serious and you recover quickly!

Brandie said...

Hope tomorrow is a better day. Take care and drink lots of fluids.

Janet O. said...

Hope you improve quickly. What a bummer that a sick day has to be so sick that you can't even sew!

liz said...

Do let us know that you are feeling better. Those day and night Tylenol really work for me. Have you tried something like that? Good luck.

antique quilter said...

hope you feel better soon
like the way the block is coming that funky flower!

Browndirtcottage said...

Oh my....hope you feeling much better!

Gosh golly, some of you gals sure seem to be able to stitch pretty fast!

Sharon said...

I hope you're feeling better by now. Being sick is No Fun. And too sick to sew? Bah! That's no good.

Love your flower!